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Passover Begins - Seder Meal at Oakgrove

On Wednesday night the Abbey celebrated it's second seder meal, my(jason) first. It was alot of fun and our usual numbers at least doubled that night. With much help from Alyssa(who is half Jewish), we prepared sweet potato latkas, which are traditionally eaten at Hanakah.

It wasn't exactly a Jewish Pessach. The fact that we believe the Messiah has come in Jesus the Christ, it changed the atmosphere a bit. Here is the form that we followed, more or less.

Kaddesh: Santification
blessing over first cup of wine.

Urechatz: Washing
washing of the hands with a blessing.

Karpas: Vegetable
parsley symbolizing the lowliness of God's People.

Yachatz: Breaking
matzah is broken.

Maggid: The Story
story of the exodus is retold. second cup of wine is blessed.

Rachtzah: Washing
second washing of the hands.

Motzi: Blessing over Grain Products
general blessing.

Matzah: Blesssing over Matzah
a bit of matzah is eaten.

Maror: Bitter Herbs
horseradish symbolizing the bitterness of slavery.

Schulchan Orech: Dinner
festive meal is eaten.

Tzafun: The Afikomen
matzah is eaten for dessert.

Barech: Grace after Meal
third cup of wine is blessed and fourth is poured with an extra for Elijah.

Hallel: Praises
Psalm is recited. Blessing over the last cup of wine.

Nirtzah: Closing
seder is complete, with a wish that next year we may celebrate in the New Jerusalem.
