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Tuesday -or- Somewhere Between Triumphal Entry & Upper Room

what a flurry of activity.
what a crazy city.
what a provocative story.
what poetic-prophetic glory...

in parables

a man prepares a vineyard for success: rich soil, large storehouses, a crush pad, and he appoints men to take care of it while he is gone. after a time he sends a servant to check on the progress of the wine, to report on how well his vineyard is progressing. the trusted workers beat the owner's servant. the distraught owner sends another in his entourage to the vineyard. the workers scorned him. yet another servant sent, but the workers went so far as to kill this man.
the owner's only son was the only one left to send. he loved his son greatly. he thought, "they too will love my only son."
but - the workers wanted the son's inheritance. they killed him and threw his body out of the vineyard.
and what will the owner do? kill those who killed his son and give the vineyard to others.

"the stone the builders rejected has become the capstone,
the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes."
