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Charles Henry Brent has 3 first names

In 1902, Charles Henry Brent was sent by the Episcopal church to the Phillipines, a newly-acquired American territory. Most people expected him to either set up shop & spend his days serving other Americans stationed there -- OR -- aggressively converting the Roman Catholics on the island. He did neither.

Instead, CHB devoted his time to the natives of the island -- pagan Igorots, animists, & Muslims. He made considerable inroads and established thriving Christian communities in all areas.

Three times he was offered a promotion to Bishop, but three times he refused. Finally, in 1918, he agreed to return to the States as Bishop of Western New York. His experiences in the Philippines had aroused in him a strong concern for the cause of visible Christian unity, and this became his life's work upon his return.

He died in Switzerland in 1929, while attending the World Conference on Faith and Order, an event he helped to organize.
