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Not that you asked, but...

No one cooked tonight, but it is the feast night of Justin Martyr in the Orthodox calendar. He's a figure that looms pretty large in the 2nd Century life of the Church, definitely worth a quick reminder look-see.

In case you are wondering why the Abbey blog has been so scarse lately, there are a host of reasons and I'll mention a few:

We are currently utilizing most of our computer writing moments in preparation for a series of Sunday night vow-taking ceremonies. Jolie and myself will be the first to take these vows this coming Sunday night, Pentacost. When we have finalized the vows, we will hopefully post them as part of a rennovated Oak Grove Abbey website in the near future.

In the mean time, long time Abbey dweller, Sean and his wife Melissa recently moved into their new home over on the East Side. Heather will also be moving in with them in early June. This represents the first grafting of the Oaken vision elsewhere -- the house is apropriately located on Oak Springs road. We are super-exited about what God is stirring in Sean, Melissa and Heather's hearts to embody Christ in a poor and needy neighborhood.

This has made the dynamics at the Abbey in flux, as we are preparing for several new people to move in. Andy, if you recall, moved in over Holy Week. Angelic will be moving in in mid-June. Dave will be moving in later in July. We are still still finalizing at least one more male to move in over the summer as well. All is well...
