Tuesday, February 14, 2006

forget the empire (commercialism), all you need is love

a while back in say the 3rd century, there was a man. this particular man, named valentine, worked for the people, on their behalf. sometimes he would even marry them (oh, oh, oh-oh; the sweetest thing).

then there was "the man," an empire-ruler named claudius. he loved weilding power and raising wealth and waging war. he thought soldiers were better if they were single, so he banned marriage for the young lads (bummer).

well - valentine thought God's covenant in marriage was stronger than any royal edict and chose to marry people in secret. the evil emperor, found out and had valentine beaten and beheaded.

today, we remember valentine's commitment to God's love over and against that of the empire...

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Priscilla & Aquilla

Corinthians, friends of Paul's, tentmakers, fellow missionaries, early church leaders.

an encouraging husband and wife whom we remember through tonight's meal...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The One Whom the Lord Remembers

Prophet Zechariah, whose name means "the one whom the Lord remembers," prophesied in Jerusalem from 520 to 518 BC. Zechariah was the eleventh of the twelve minor prophets, and he was a contemporary of Haggai. Zechariah's prophecy took the shape of visions and dialogues with God. Not only did Zechariah encourage the Jews to complete the rebuilding of the temple, but he also prophesied of the coming of Christ, making more predictions about him than any other prophet with the exception of Isaiah.

Wednesday night we eat in his honor.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Saint Brigid's Day

Today is a big day for us celtic-wanna-be's. Brigid is the 2nd most important female in Irish tradition (Mary would be first), and easily one of the very strongest woman figures in all of Christendom.

Tonight we will enjoy a feast in Brigid's honor. We will also be praying house blessings over the Abbey and a few friend's homes as well. And we will make Brigid's crosses, too, if I can find some suitable switchgrass.